Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Spare £9m?...

Leinster AGardens W2. Tweaking needed, but oh those lofty ceilings and acres of parquet flooring...

One size fits all...

ARCTIC by KO+KO architects

and in a similar vein...

Pillowed perfection...

I know I've been too busy to post properly, and there are some proper posts brewing, but until then here are a series of quick fire design highlights:

How drool worthy are these quilted tiles by Ron Gilad

Must have...

Hosun Ching's delightful and clever walk-in wardrobe:

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Shake it...

Nothing makes a drink taste better than a stylish shaker. 
Penguin punch anyone?

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Flat envy...

SMLXL always make trendy bachelor pads, this one is super easy to replicate, both in style and budget